A list Resolutions approved by the Governing Board:
- SFBRA Resolution 20241213 Resolution 133 Appointing a Substitute Member to Represent Climate Resilient Communities on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20241213 Resolution 132 Appointing Two Members to the Restoration Authority's Independent Citizens Oversight Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20241213 Resolution 131 In Recognition and Appreciation of Aaron Peskin for Outstanding Service as a Member of the Authority Governing Board
- SFBRA Resolution 20241213 Resolution 130 In Recognition and Appreciation of Sophie Hahn for Outstanding Service as a Member of the Authority Governing Board
- SFBRA Resolution 20241213 Resolution 129 In Recognition and Appreciation of Susan Gorin for Outstanding Service as a Member of the Authority Governing Board
- SFBRA Resolution 20241213 Resolution 128 In Recognition and Appreciation of Dave Pine for Outstanding Service as Chair of the Authority Governing Board
- SFBRA Resolution 20241018 Resolution 127 Updating the December 2024 Governing Board Meeting Time and Adopting the 2025 Governing Board Meeting Schedule
- SFBRA Resolution 20240614 Resolution 126 Authorizing Release of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority's 2024 Grant Round Materials
- SFBRA Resolution 20240614 Resolution 125 Adopting the FY 2024-2025 San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Operating and Project Budget
- SFBRA Resolution 20240503 Resolution 124 Approving Letter to Chair Eduardo Garcia, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee, in Support of AB 2501
- SFBRA Resolution 20240503 Resolution 123 Adoption of the Tribal Engagement Recommendations
- SFBRA Resolution 20240503 Resolution 122 Adoption of the Equity Guidelines
- SFBRA Resolution 20240322 Resolution 121 Expressing Support for the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Priority List of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 San Francisco Bay Program Office
- SFBRA Resolution 20231215 Resolution 120 Appointing Two Members to Second Terms for the Restoration Authority's Independent Citizens Oversight Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20231215 Resolution 119 Appointing Two Members to the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20231020 Resolution 118 Amending the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Independent Citizens Oversight Committee Procedural Document
- SFBRA Resolution 20231020 Resolution 117 Appointing the Vice Chair of the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20231020 Resolution 116 Appointing a new Member to Represent the San Francisco Estuary Institute on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20231020 Resolution115 Appointing a New Member to Represent Communities for a Better Environment on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20231020 Resolution 114 Adopting the 2024 San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Governing Board Meeting Schedule
- SFBRA Resolution 20230630 Resolution 113 Authorizing Release of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority’s Request for Qualifications for Parcel Tax Administration Services and Entry into a Contract for Services with the Selected Applicant, Subject to Chair Approval
- SFBRA Resolution 20230630 Resolution 112 Appointing a New Member to Represent the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20230630 Resolution 111 Appointing Members to the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20230630 Resolution 110 Authorizing Release of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority's 2023 Grant Round Materials
- SFBRA Resolution 20230630 Resolution 109 Adopting the FY 2023-24 San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Operating and Project Budget
- SFBRA Resolution 20230505 Resolution 108 Interim Tribal Consultation Policy
- SFBRA Resolution 20230505 Resolution 107 Appointing the Chair and Vice Chair of the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20230303 Resolution 106 Appointing Members to the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20230303 Resolution 105 Honoring Sally Lieber for Her Leadership in Bay Restoration and Outstanding Service to the Authority
- SFBRA Resolution 20230303 Resolution 104 Delegation of Authority to the Executive Officer
- SFBRA Resolution 20221216 Resolution 103 Appointing Two Members to the Restoration Authority Independent Citizens Oversight Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20221014 Resolution 102 Creating a New Funding Mechanism for Reimbursing the Regional Water Quality Control Board for Staffing the Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team
- SFBRA Resolution 20221014 Resolution 101 Amending the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Advisory Committee Procedural Document
- SFBRA Resolution 20221014 Resolution 100 Adopting the 2023San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Governing Board Meeting Schedule
- SFBRA Resolution 20220624 Resolution 99 Appointing a New Member to Represent the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission On The Restoration Authority Advisory Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20220624 Resolution 98 Adopting The FY 22-23 Budget.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20220422 Resolution 97 Process for the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority’s 2022 Grant Round
- SFBRA Resolution 20220422 Resolution 96 Approving Letter in Support of Projects that Protect Existing Baylands Habitats
- SFBRA Resolution 20220422 Resolution 95 Approving Letter to Assemblymembers Alex Lee and Cristina Garcia in Support of AB 1944
- SFBRA Resolution 20220422 Resolution 94 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
- SFBRA Resolution 93 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
- SFBRA Resolution 20220225 Resolution 92 Expressing Support for Bay Adapt Regional Strategy for a Rising Bay.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20220225 Resolution 91 Amending the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Advisory Committee Procedural Document.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20220225 Resolution 90 Scheduling Special Meetings in March and May to Consider Whether to Authorize Additional Remote Meetings in Light of the Ongoing Pandemic.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20220225 Resolution 89 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20220126 Resolution 88 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20211210 Resolution 87 Amending the SFBRA Advisory Committee Procedural Document.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20211210 Resolution 86 Amending the SFBRA Independent Citizens Oversight Committee Procedural Document.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20211210 Resolution 85 Appointing Two Members of Second Terms on the Restoration Authority Oversight Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20211210 Resolution 84 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20211115 Resolution 83 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
- SFBRA Resolution 20211015 Resolution 82 Appointing a New Member to Represent the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20211015 Resolution 81 Amending the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Independent Citizens Oversight Committee
- SFBRA Resolution 20211015 Resolution 80 Adopting the 2022 San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Governing Board Meeting Schedule
- SFBRA Resolution 20210618 Resolution 79 Authorizing Release of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority’s 2021 Grant Round Materials.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20210618 Resolution 78 Adopting the FY 2021-22 Authority Budget.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 77 Appt AC P & VP.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 76 Appointing AC Members.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20201204 Resolution 75 Appointing New Members to the Restoration Authority Independent Citizens Oversight Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20201204 Resolution 74 Appointing a New Member to Represent the San Francisco Bay Trail Project on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20201002 Res 73 Adopting the 2021 SFBRA GB Mtg Sched.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200717 Res 72_Appoint New OC Member.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200717 Res 71_Appoint_AC_Member_Refuge Complex.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200717 Res 70_Accepting AC Equity Recs_as amended.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200717 Res 69_Creating a Community Grants Program.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200717 Res 68_Authorizing Release RFP & Pre-app & App.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200508_Res_67_to_Appoint_AC_Member_SPUR.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200508_Res_66_to_Appoint_AC_Member_Water Board.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20200508_Res_65_FY_20-21 Authority Budget.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20191206 Res 64 Reappointing Two Members to the Restoration Authority Independent Citizens OC.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20191206 Res 63 Adjusting Restoration Authority Independent Citizens OC Member Term....pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190906 Res 61 Authorizing Release of Request for Proposal & Grant Apps...3 Grant Round.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190906 Res 60 Adopting Amendments to the SFBRA Grant Prg Guidelines.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190906 Res 59 Adopting the 2020 SFBRA GB Mtg Sched.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190607 Res 58 FY 2019-20 Authority Budget.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190607 Res 47A_1 FY 2018-19 Authority Budget Admendment.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190405 Res 57 Adopting a Per Diem Policy for Governing Board Members.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190405 Res 56 Appointing the Chair & Vice Chair of Restoration Authority Advisory Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190222 Res 55 Appointing Members to the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20190222 Res 54 Adopting the 2019 SFBRA Governing Board Meeting Schedule.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180921 Res 53 Appointing a New Member to Represent Bay Area Council on the Restoration Authority Advisory Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180921 Res 52 Appointing Members to the Restoration Authority Independent Citizen Oversight Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180921 Res 51 Authorizing Release of the RFP and Grant Application Form for the SFBRA Second Grant Round.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180921 Res 50 Adopting Amendments to the SFBRA Grant Program Guidelines.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180601 Res 49 Adopting a Statement of Investment Policy.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180601 Res 48 Endorsing The Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180601 Res 47 FY 2018-19 Authority Budget.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180411 Res 46 Appointing a New Member to Represent SCVWD on the Restoration Auth. Advisory Comm..pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180411 Res 45 Appointing a New Member to Represent California Audubon on the Restoration Autho. advi committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180411 Res 44 Adoption of revision to the SF Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention & Hab Rest..pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180411 Res 43 Accepting Extension of the Teeter Plan to Measure AA Parcel Tax.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180411 Res 42 Amending the Location of the SFBRA 2018 Govering Board Meeting.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180202 Res 41 Changing the Date for the April 2018 SFBRA Governing Board Meeting.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180202 Res 40 Endorsing the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20180202 Res 39 Appointing a New Member to Represent the CA Dept of Fish & Wildfire on Restoration Authority Advisory Committee.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20171103 Res 38 Adopting the 2018 SFBRA Governing Board Mtg Schedule.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20171103 Res 37 Authorizing Deposit of Monies of the Local Agency.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20171103 Res 36 Authorizing Deposit of Monies in Bank and Related Services.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20171103 Res 35 Authorization to Amend Conflict of Interest Code.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20171103 Res 34 Authorization to Enter into Restated and Amended Joint Powers Agreement with SCC and ABAG.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170908 Res 33 Appointing a New Member to Represent Sonoma County Water Agency (Jessica Martini Lamb).pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170908 Res 32 Adopting the RFP and Grant Application (First Grant Round).pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170609 Res 31 Adopting Amendments to the Grant Program Guidelines.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170414 Res 30 Authority of the EO to Execute Agrmnts & Pay County Tax Fees.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170414 Res 29 Adoption of Tax Procedural Manual.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170414 Res 28 Delegation of Authority to the EO.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170310 Res 27 Appointing the Chair & Vice Chair Authority Adv Comte.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170210 Res 26 Adopting Appointing Members to the Adv Comte.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170210 Res 25 Amending Independent Citz Oversight Cmte Prodcedural Doc.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20170210 Res 24 Adopting Advisory Committee Procedural Doc.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20161130 Res 22 Project Labor Agreement.PDF
- SFBRA Resolution 20161130 Res 21 Work Plan and Budget FY 16_17 and 17_18.PDF
- SFBRA Resolution 20161012 Res 20 Adoption Adv Cmte Procedural Revision 1.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20161012 Res 19 Adopting JPA.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160729 Res 18 Certifying Election.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160427 Res 17 Grant Guidelines.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160427 Res 16 Oversight Cmte.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160427 Res 15 Adv Cmte.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160113 Res 14 Ballot Measure.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160113 Res 13 Special Election.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20160113 Res 11 Agreements with EB Parks and Sonoma Co Water.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20150921 Res 10 MOA Santa Clara Valley Water District.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20140619 Res 09 Affirming Urgency Critical Need.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20140619 Res 08 Calling Election.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20140619 Res 07 Adopting Measure.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20140319 Res 06 Joint Powers Authority ABAG SCC.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20140319 Res 05 Trading Accounts.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20140319 Res 04 Financial Accounts.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20090729 Res 03 COIC.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20090422 Res 02 Notice COIC.pdf
- SFBRA Resolution 20090422 Res 01 SFBRA Staff.pdf