10:00 am – 12:30 pm, Teleconference
San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Advisory Committee Meeting
June 5, 2020, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Click for a printable version of the agenda
TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION: Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020, certain provisions of the Brown Act are suspended due to a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consistent with the Executive Order, this Authority meeting will be conducted by teleconference and internet, with no public locations. Members of the public may dial into the teleconference and view the presentation on the internet via Zoom with the following steps:
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Members of the public can make comments during the meeting by using the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom at the appropriate time(s) in the meeting. Public comment will be taken at the beginning and end of the meeting. Additional information on ways to provide public comments on agenda items is available on the Authority’s website on the Meetings tab.
1. Call to Order
Chair Luisa Valiela, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2. Determination of Quorum
Maggie Jenkins, Clerk of the Advisory Committee
3. Public Comment
Each speaker is allowed three minutes.
4. Approval of Advisory Committee (AC) Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2019 (Action)
Item 4: Draft Meeting Minutes for December 13, 2019
Attachment 1: Discussion of Need for Targeted Project Selection
5. Chair and Vice Chair’s Report (Information)
6. Staff Work to Date to Address Equity Recommendations from the Advisory Committee (Information)
Jessica Davenport, Deputy Program Manager
Item 6: Presentation on Incorporation of Equity Recommendation from the Advisory Committee
7. Recommendations on Next Steps for Economically Disadvantaged Communities (EDCs) (Action)
Dr. Ana Alvarez, EDC Ad Hoc Subcommittee Lead
Item 7A: Presentation on Equity Recommendations
Appendix 1: Ad Hoc Subcommittee on EDCs Meeting Notes, February 15, 2019
Appendix 2: Ad Hoc Subcommittee on EDCs Meeting Notes, August 30, 2019
Appendix 3: Ad Hoc Subcommittee on EDCs Meeting Notes, September 19, 2019
8. Update on the Annual Report (Information)
Taylor Samuelson, Public Information Officer
Item 8: Annual Report of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority, Fiscal Year 2018-2019
9. EcoAtlas Dashboard for Performance Measures (Information)
Maggie Jenkins, Sea Grant Fellow, State Coastal Conservancy
Cristina Grosso, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Item 9: EcoAtlas Dashboard Presentation
10. Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program Update (Information)
Heidi Nutters, San Francisco Estuary Partnership
Item 10: Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program Presentation
11. Brainstorming Session on AC Priorities for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (Information)
Chair Luisa Valiela
12. Announcements (Information)
13. Public Comment
14. Adjourn in Honor of Bruce Wolfe
Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Advisory Committee. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting. Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at Taylor.Samuelson@scc.ca.gov.