This checklist identifies items that may be required for a permit application, though not all items below are required for every project. The BRRIT will discuss specific requirements with project proponents during the pre-application phase.
Project Description
- Description of the overall project including the purpose, site location, environmental setting, and activities proposed
- Maps – project vicinity map using 7.5 USGS quad; include bar scale and text scale, north arrow and title block with datum, title and address
- Design drawings at a level sufficient to determine the Project’s effects; include plan view, cross-sections, and profile; show the elevation of tidal datums1 or water surface elevations2
- Construction techniques and equipment
- Timing, duration, and sequencing
- Access routes
- Staging areas
- Material disposal
Avoidance and Minimization of Impacts
- Avoidance and minimization measures and best management practices to avoid or minimize impacts/effects to terrestrial and aquatic resources (e.g., work windows, hand removal of vegetation, biological monitoring)
- Alternatives analysis, if applicable
- Compensatory mitigation, if applicable
Impacts Assessment
- Type and quantity of material (in cubic yards) to be discharged within wetlands and other waters of the U.S. Identify temporary and permanent discharge area in acres or linear feet if stream (Corps application)
- Identify graded areas within waters of the U.S.
- Identify temporary and permanent impacts in waters of the State in both acres and linear feet (Water Board application)
- Type, quantity (in cubic yards), and area (in square feet or acres) of fill, excavation, or grading work in the Bay (below mean high water or in areas of tidal marsh vegetation up to 5 feet above mean sea level), and area and length of work in the 100-foot Shoreline Band (BCDC application)
- Identify permanent and temporary impacts to bed, channel, and bank of any river, stream, or lake (in cubic yards) and associated riparian habitat (in acres and linear feet), including species identification, quantity, and diameter-at-breast-height of any native and non-native trees removed or trimmed (CDFW 1602 application)
- Information about habitat type conversion (e.g. acres of each aquatic resource type pre-Project and post-Project)
Biological Assessment - if consultation under Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) is required (per 50 CFR 402.14(c))
- List of species and habitats affected by project
- Description of effects to these species and habitats from all phases of project. The applicant should discuss effects to species and habitats related to all project phases, including:
- Construction
- Operations and maintenance
- Monitoring and adaptive management
- Relevant and recent plant/wildlife survey reports
- Project construction noise analyses, if applicable
- Description of how elements of project related to restoration, enhancement or other recovery efforts contribute to species recovery goals, including those outlined in species Recovery Plans and/or other regional restoration plans
- Fish passage assessment, if applicable
- Assessment of impacts to Essential Fish Habitat, if applicable
- Consideration of marine mammals and the Marine Mammal Protection Act, if applicable
- Basis of Design Report (explain rationale, criteria, assumptions, and considerations made during development of project design)
- Biological resources reports including those for state special-status species not subject to FESA above
- Wetland Delineation Report3
- Soils/sediment investigation reports, if applicable
- Geotechnical report
- Hydrology report
- Cultural Resources Inventory for the Project Area of Potential Effects for National Historic Properties Act Consultation4
- Assessment of sea level rise or potential flooding impacts on the project using the best available science (currently the State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance 2018 Update5). The assessment should evaluate resilience of the project to 2050 and adaptation to sea level rise after 2050, depending upon the life of the project
Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan
- Site restoration plans for temporarily impacted areas
- Interim and final performance criteria (e.g. vegetation cover, invasive species, hydrology, other project-specific restoration elements)
- Geomorphic monitoring if applicable
- Planting plans, including source of seeds/plantings and Phytophthora spp. prevention plan
- Eelgrass monitoring, if applicable
- CEQA documentation; NEPA, if doing an EIS
- Public access plans
- Community and stakeholder outreach for the project and updates in the project design based upon feedback, if applicable
1. Water Board jurisdiction extends to the high tide line; indicate both high tide line and mean high water for Corps application.
2. Indicate ordinary high water mark for Corps jurisdiction; top of bank or 100-year flood elevation for Water Board jurisdiction.
3. For the Corps application, the Wetland Delineation Report should identify all aquatic resources in Excel spreadsheet for data upload. The aquatic resource site ID in the delineation report should be the same ID used when identifying project impacts (for example, if there are five wetlands, each one should have a unique ID and the fill placed within each should be listed separately).
4. Include a California Historical Resources Information System confidential records search. If any resources are within the project area of potential effect, provide evaluation of its eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. For any resources that may be eligible, provide assessment of effects from the project on the resource’s eligibility.
5. This guidance document can be found at: