Eligible Projects for the BRRIT Process

Before projects can schedule pre-application meetings with the BRRIT, they must first be placed on the BRRIT Project List.  The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority determines which projects are eligible for BRRIT review. 

The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (Restoration Authority) solicits proposals for Bay Area restoration projects to participate in the BRRIT pre-application and permitting process annually. The BRRIT did not announce a project solicitation in 2024 due to workload, but are adding projects on an ad-hoc basis. Interested projects should reach out to BRRIT@sfbayrestore.org to determine eligibility. 

Please submit your contact information here to receive emails about the Restoration Authority’s solicitation for projects. 

To be placed on the BRRIT Project List:

  • Projects must qualify for funding under the Restoration Authority’s definition of multi-benefit wetland restoration projects and their associated flood management and public access infrastructure features (an eligible project does not have to be receiving Authority funding); and
  • Projects must be entered into EcoAtlas as “San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (Eligible).” If your project is not yet included in EcoAtlas, please use the  EcoAtlas Project Tracker tool to add your project. Restoration Authority staff will then determine Measure AA eligibility and add projects to the BRRIT Project List 

If you have questions about how to get your restoration project included on the Project List for BRRIT review, please email BRRIT@sfbayrestore.org.

A recording of the May 28, 2019 webinar about how to submit projects to the BRRIT can be found here: https://youtu.be/UBcWVP9qQfM

BRRIT Project List

Once Restoration Authority staff determine your project is eligible and add it to the BRRIT Project List, the BRRIT will contact you to schedule a pre-application meeting.

To contact the BRRIT, please send an email to BRRIT@waterboards.ca.gov.

Return to the BRRIT homepage.

California least tern and fledgling. Photo taken by Aric Crabb.
California least tern and fledgling. Photo taken by Aric Crabb.


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