11:00 - Teleconference
Governing Board
Dave Pine, Supervisor, County of San Mateo, Chair
John Gioia, Supervisor, County of Contra Costa, Vice Chair
Aaron Peskin, Supervisor, City and County of San Francisco
Susan Gorin, Supervisor, County of Sonoma
Karen Holman, Director, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Sophie Hahn, Councilmember, City of Berkeley
Sally Lieber, Councilmember, City of Mountain View
Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, Chief Counsel
Meeting Agenda
DATE: June 18, 2021
TIME: 11:00AM – 3:00PM
LOCATION: Teleconference
TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION: Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020, certain provisions of the Brown Act are suspended due to a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consistent with the Executive Order, this Authority meeting will be conducted by teleconference and internet, with no physical public locations. Members of the public may dial into the teleconference and view the presentation on the internet via Zoom with the following steps:
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Members of the public can make comments during the meeting by using the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom at the appropriate time(s) in the meeting. Public comment will be taken during each agenda item and at the beginning of the meeting on non-agenda items. Additional information on ways to provide public comments on agenda items is available on the Authority’s website on the Meetings tab.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comments (Information)
4. Board Member Announcements (Information)
5. Chair’s Report (Information)
A. Report on tour of Montezuma Tidal and Seasonal Wetlands Restoration Project and Suisun Marsh Fish Screen Rehabilitation Project.
B. Recognition of Executive Officer Sam Schuchat on his retirement.
6. Executive Reports
7. Approval of Summary Minutes of April 16, 2021 (Action)
Item 7: Summary Minutes for April 16, 2021
8. Independent Citizens Oversight Committee’s Annual Review of Conformance with Measure AA (Information)
Paul Jones, Chair, Independent Citizens Oversight Committee
Item 8: Independent Citizens Oversight Committee Annual Review Letter, Fiscal Year
9. Geographic Distribution of Funds (Information)
Jessica Davenport, Deputy Program Manager
Item 9: Memo on Geographic Distribution of Funds
Attachment 1: Grant Round 4 Summary
Attachment 2: Estimate of Future Funding Needs by Region for Current and Potential Authority Projects
Grant Items (Action)
10. Greenwood Gravel Beach Design Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $380,000 to Marin County Department of Public Works to develop detailed designs and specifications, prepare permit applications, and complete CEQA review for a natural bay beach design at Greenwood Beach in Marin County. [Linda Tong]
11. Coyote Hills Restoration and Public Access Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $3,500,000 to the East Bay Regional Park District to implement habitat restoration and public access improvements on a 205-acre portion of the Coyote Hills Regional Park expansion in the City of Fremont, Alameda County. [Shalini Kannan]
12. Terminal Four Wharf Removal Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $2,300,000 to the City of Richmond for final design, implementation, and monitoring of the Terminal Four Wharf Removal Project near Point San Pablo, Contra Costa County, and adopt findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. [Marilyn Latta]
- Addendum: Terminal Four Wharf Removal Project
13. Burlingame Shoreline Park Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the SPHERE Institute to conduct site studies and community engagement, prepare detailed plans and detailed designs, prepare regulatory permit applications and environmental review documents, and prepare a long-term lease application for the Shoreline Park – Burlingame Project, which will transform a 9.4-acre vacant parcel of State-owned bayfront land into a public nature and recreation park and will include restoration of approximately 3-3.5 acres of tidal marsh and transition zone habitats along the shoreline in San Mateo County. [Natasha Dunn]
14. Colma Creek Restoration and Adaptation Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $595,000 to the City of South San Francisco to prepare technical studies, undertake community engagement, perform design and engineering work, and develop a permitting and CEQA plan for habitat restoration, sea level rise adaptation, and public access improvement actions at the mouth and lower reaches of Colma Creek in San Mateo County. [Josh Bradt]
15. Calabazas/San Tomas Aquino Creek-Marsh Connection Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $3,370,000 to Santa Clara Valley Water District to conduct planning, perform data collection and analysis, develop design plans, and prepare California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act documentation for the Calabazas/San Tomas Aquino Creek-Marsh Connection Project near the community of Alviso in Santa Clara County. [Laura Hollander]
16. Budgets and Staff Work Plan (Action)
A. Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget
Brian Mayhew, Treasurer
Item 16A: Memo on FY 2021/2022 Budget
Attachment 1: Resolution 78 Adopting the FY 2021/2022 Authority Budget
B. Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Staff Work Plan
Jessica Davenport, Deputy Program Manager
Item 16B: Memo on Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Staff Work Plan
Attachment 1: Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Staff Work Plan
17. Draft 2021 Grant Round Materials (Action)
Linda Tong, Grant Program Coordinator
Item 17A: Memo on Authorization to Release the 2021 Grant Round Materials
Attachment 1: Draft 2021 Request for Proposals – Redlined
Attachment 2: Draft 2021 Grant Pre-Application Form – Redlined
Attachment 3: Draft 2021 Grant Application Form – Redlined
Item 17B: Resolution 79 Authorizing Release of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority’s 2021 Grant Round Materials
Exhibit A: Draft 2021 Request for Proposals
Exhibit B: Draft 2021 Grant Pre-Application Form
Exhibit C: Draft 2021 Grant Application Form
18. Annual Performance Assessment of Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRRIT) (Information)
Amy Hutzel, Deputy Executive Officer
Jana Affonso, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Current Chair of the Policy and Management Committee & Anniken Lydon, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, Current Chair of the BRRIT
Item 18: BRRIT 2021 Annual Report
19. Wetland Regional Monitoring Program Preliminary Proposal (Information)
Caitlin Sweeney, Program Manager
Melissa Foley, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Item 19: Memo on Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program Preliminary Proposal
Attachment 1: Presentation on Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program Preliminary Proposal
20. Advisory Committee Chair’s Report (Information)
Jessica Martini-Lamb, Advisory Committee Chair
21. Adjournment
Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Restoration Authority. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting. Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at Taylor.Samuelson@scc.ca.gov