11:00 - Teleconference

Meeting Agenda

Governing Board

Dave Pine, Supervisor, County of San Mateo, Chair 
John Gioia, Supervisor, County of Contra Costa, Vice Chair 
Aaron Peskin, Supervisor, City and County of San Francisco
Susan Gorin, Supervisor, County of Sonoma 
Karen Holman, Director, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Sophie Hahn, Councilmember, City of Berkeley 
Sally Lieber, Councilmember, City of Mountain View
Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, General Counsel

Meeting Agenda

DATE: April 22, 2022
TIME: 11:00AM – 2:00PM
LOCATION: Teleconference

TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code Section 54953(e), due to the declared State of Emergency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the recommendations to promote social distancing, this Authority meeting will be conducted by teleconference and internet, with no physical public locations. Members of the public may dial into the teleconference and view the presentation on the internet via Zoom with the following steps:

Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86862822352?pwd=bkZtNklyaU53TVRxUFhMc1QyR040dz09
Password:  238570

Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16699006833,,86862822352#,,,,*238570#  or +12532158782,,86862822352#,,,,*238570#

Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 929 205 6099  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799

Webinar ID: 868 6282 2352
Password: 238570

Members of the public can make comments during the meeting by using the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom at the appropriate time(s) in the meeting. Public comment will be taken during each agenda item and at the beginning of the meeting on non-agenda items. Additional information on ways to provide public comments on agenda items is available on the Authority’s website on the Meetings tab.

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comments (Information)

4. Board Member Announcements (Information)

5. Chair’s Report (Information)

6. Executive Reports

A. Continuation of Remote Meetings Due to State of Emergency (Action)
Item 6A:
Memo Regarding Continuation of Remote Meetings
Attachment 1: Resolution 94 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings for the Legislative Bodies of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority

B. Consideration of Cancellation of May 26 Board Meeting (Action)

C. Pending Bills Concerning Remote Meetings under the Brown Act (Action)
Item 6C:
Memo Regarding Pending Bills Concerning Remote Meetings under the Brown Act
Attachment 1: Resolution  95 Approving Letter to Assemblymembers Alex Lee and Cristina Garcia in Support of AB 1944

D. Expenditures under Executive Officer’s Delegated Authority (Information)
Item 6D:
Quarterly Report on Expenditures under Delegated Authority

E. Annual Report of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority, FY 2020-2021 (Information)

7. Advisory Committee Chair’s Report to the Governing Board (Information)
Jessica Martini-Lamb, Chair, Advisory Committee

8. Approval of Summary Minutes of February 25, 2022 (Action)
Item 8: 
Summary Minutes for February 25, 2022

9. Approval of Summary Minutes of March 28, 2022 (Action)
Item 9: 
Summary Minutes for March 28, 2022


10. Shoreline Park – Burlingame Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $991,499 to the SPHERE Institute (SPHERE) to augment the grant of $500,000 previously authorized by the Authority to conduct site studies and community engagement, prepare detailed plans and detailed designs, prepare regulatory permit applications and environmental review documents, and prepare a long-term lease application for the Shoreline Park – Burlingame Project, which will transform a 9.4-acre vacant parcel of State-owned bayfront land into a public nature and recreation park and will include restoration of approximately 3-3.5 acres of tidal marsh and transition zone habitats along the shoreline and an education center designed with bird safety features in San Mateo County. [Natasha Dunn]

11. Tiscornia Marsh Restoration and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Project
Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $3,082,000 to Marin Audubon Society to prepare permit applications, develop final designs, continue engaging community members, and begin construction for the restoration of Tiscornia Marsh adjacent to the Canal community in San Rafael, Marin County. [Linda Tong]

12. Consideration of Sending Letter of Support for Newark Baylands Project (Action)
Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer
Item 12: Resolution 96 Approving Letter of Support for Newark Baylands Project

13. Proposed Approach for Grant Round 6 (FY 2022-2023) (Action)
Jessica Davenport, Deputy Program Manager  
Item 13: Memo on Proposed Approach for Grant Round 6
Attachment 1: Proposed Grant Round 6 Project Summary Table 
Attachment 2: Resolution 97 on Adopting Alternative Approach to Project Selection in Grant Round 6 (FY 2022-2023)

14. Community Grants Program Update (Information)
Jessica Davenport, Deputy Program Manager
Item 14: Memo on Community Grants Program Progress
Attachment 1: Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Community Grant Recommendation Table

15. Adjournment

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Restoration Authority. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.   

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at Taylor.Samuelson@scc.ca.gov