10:00-12:30 Bay Area Metro Center 375 Beale St., Yerba Buena Room, 1st Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
Date: June 29, 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale St., Yerba Buena Room, 1st Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105
Click for a printable version of the agenda or the meeting packet.
- Call to Order
Chair Luisa Valiela, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Determination of Quorum
Anna Schneider, Clerk of the Advisory Committee
- Public Comment
Each speaker is allowed three minutes.
- Announcements (INFORMATION)
- Approval of Advisory Committee (AC) Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2018 (ACTION)
Item 5: Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2018
- Chair’s Report from June 1, 2018 Governing Board Meeting (INFORMATION)
- Recommendation to the Governing Board on Performance Measures (ACTION)
Roger Leventhal, Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (Subcommittee Lead)
Item 7: Proposed Recommendation to the Governing Board on Performance Measures
Attachment 1: Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Performance Measures (Revised)
- Environmental Justice Panel Discussion (INFORMATION)
Nahal Ghoghaie, Environmental Justice for Water Coalition (AC Member, Moderator)
Anthony Khalil, Literacy for Environmental Justice
Sandra Corzantes, Latino Outdoors
Phoenix Armenta, Resilient Communities Initiative
- Update from Staff on Proposed Revisions to the Grant Program Documents (INFORMATION)
Matt Gerhart, Restoration Authority Program Manager
Kelly Malinowski, Restoration Authority Project Manager
Attachment 1: Draft Round 2 Grant Program Guidelines (Redline Version)
Attachment 2: Draft Round 2 Request for Proposals (Redline Version)
Attachment 3: Draft Round 2 Grant Application (Redline Version)
- Update from the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Communications (INFORMATION)
Anne Morkill, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Subcommittee Lead)
Item 10: Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Communications Meeting Notes
- Remaining AC Meetings in 2018 (INFORMATION)
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- October 5, 2018: Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay Street, Rm. 11, Oakland, CA 94612
- Meeting Process Check-In: What’s Working, What’s Not
Chair Valiela
- Public Comment
- Adjourn
Note: Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting. Questions about reasonable accommodation can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at (510) 286-4182 or Taylor.Samuelson@scc.ca.gov or at the Restoration Authority:
c/o State Coastal Conservancy
1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612