Call for Applications to Serve on the Advisory Committee
Applications due November 20, 2024
Deadline extended to Nov 20.
In 2016, voters of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area passed Measure AA, the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure. This measure is a parcel tax of $12 per year which raises approximately $25 million annually to fund shoreline projects that will protect and restore the Bay. The Governing Board of the Restoration Authority has awarded over $159 million in grants funded by Measure AA over the past five years, benefiting habitats and communities across the Bay Area. We are seeking community representatives and other experts to help advise on which projects to fund next.
Measure AA is generating $500 million over 20 years. Funding from this measure is enabling the restoration of thousands of acres of natural habitat for wildlife, supporting our local economy, improving access to public lands, addressing flooding issues, and creating thousands of new jobs.
The Authority’s Governing Board seeks representatives and leaders from community-based organizations, Tribes, agencies, and other experts in their field of work to serve on the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority’s Advisory Committee (AC). The Authority provides stipends of $200 per AC meeting attended, $100 per subcommittee meeting attended, $200 per grant application reviewed, and $200 for participation in the application review meeting for the competitive grant round. A conflict-of-interest policy has been adopted so that serving on the Committee will not prevent that Committee member’s organization from applying for grants.
Community-based candidates with expertise in addressing environmental justice issues and/or candidates with experience working with Tribes are strongly encouraged to apply, as well as candidates representing the agencies and types of organizations named in the Authority’s enabling legislation.
Send your application to Sara Haugen ( by November 20, 2024.
See the Call for Applications for details. For more information, visit the SF Bay Restoration Authority Advisory Committee’s webpage or contact Linda Tong, Acting Deputy Program Manager, SF Bay Restoration Authority, at